If you know me you'll know that I love love love
Taylor Swift so I was bound to do this tag at one point or another. I saw this
tag on some blogs and on YouTube and I took these questions (with the added
ones at the end) from Katytastic's video.
1. We Are Never Ever
Getting Back Together
(pick a book or series
that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up
I think the obvious
answer for this song is the Divergent series but if I had to choose another one I
think I'd go with the Secret series by Pseudonymous Bosch. The first two books
in this series were really really good, the plot was really good and the fantasy
parts were blended in really well but as the series continued on the story was
so dragged out and just not fun to read anymore.
2. Red
a book with a RED cover)
See what I did there?? Red is even in the title :D :D Moving on..Ruby Red has a very red cover and it's also a very good book! It was originally written in German but I can't read an entire book in German so I read the translation in English and it was a super fun story with cool mythology I hadn't read before.